Coding Languages
Using technology such as HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and Javascript to build websites and web apps. Using these coding languages to develop pages that are used across multiple devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
Browser Compatibility
Writing code that renders and behaves the same from browser to browser. Creating the most consistent experience for browsers such as: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance for the web is often referred to as QA which is ultimately the proof and review of online web pages and or web apps. The QA process is meant to discover design issues and development errors during the build process.
Industry Best Practices
Staying on top of the latest innovating technologies, standards, and best practices is important. Things move and change VERY fast in the world of Web Development. As front end developers it's important for us to be learning in our careers to ensure we're evolving to new technologies and shifting digital landscapes.